Learning Universities that provides courses and training that are known to offer as distance learning schools to the Internet. Requires the measure of the degree of distance learning, the students are not present in the ground or in a part or all of their subjects. Over the past 30 years, distance learning, the school became one of the most popular ways to earn degrees. This is especially true at a time when the Internet is home exercises.
Teaching materials for students in special programs on the Internet, but can also be sent by mail or in video format. Although it does not require students to attend in person, demanding course, as in a traditional classroom. These courses are not tests; The only difference is the form in which it is delivered. Some can be done online, while some teachers, students may ask you to take responsibility for the person or an authorized installer. Some highlights and online schools that offer distance learning topic.
Kaplan University, Kaplan University has more than 70 large enterprises up to 200 job specialties. This makes it easy to create a training program to find the one for you. Kaplan University is listed one of the largest schools in the country in line with more than 53,000 students. More importantly, high Accreditation Kaplan Education Commission.
Liberty Liberty University is the largest Christian country in school. It also has a large part on the Internet, dedicated to the quality of education, which has the same academic integrity than traditional classes. They offer more than 140 web applications for students to doctoral studies, and is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
DeVry University: DeVry University At several places around the country, is still one of the best schools to learn the various web applications of interest, bachelor's and master suite. Most of these programs in the art and business. DeVry is accredited by the Commission for Higher Education.
University of the South: With more than 1,600 online courses and degrees South University is one of the largest selection of programs for fans of online education. These programs are ideal for working professionals who win the title, and advance their careers want. European University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
Walden University Walden University is an online school programs that focus on the quality of distance education. Choose from more than 50 leading companies to find a program that flexibility and convenience of the program of work and life offers. Walden accredited by the Commission for Higher Education and a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.